What is 'IV Crush' and How Does It Affect Your Options and Stocks?

The term "IV Crush" is a popular term used in options trading to describe the phenomenon when implied volatility (IV) of an option decreases significantly over a short period of time.

This usually occurs when there is heavy buying or selling activity in the underlying stock and/or its options, resulting in reduced uncertainty about future price movements and the extrinsic value of a stock.

If there is an implied volatility crush, it can result in significant losses for investors who are holding positions that depend on higher implied volatility.

Understanding how IV Crashes occur and what strategies you can use to protect yourself against them is essential if you're going to be successful at options trading. If you want to read more about confusing trading terms, check out our article What Does "HOD" Mean in Stocks - And More Trading Acronyms.

What is IV Crush?

a chart going up or down during an iv crush

IV Crush is an important concept for stock traders to understand as it can have a major impact on their trading strategies.

IV Crush occurs when the implied volatility of an option decreases significantly over a short period of time, resulting in reduced uncertainty about the future stock's price movements.

This phenomenon is generally caused by unexpected heavy buying or selling activity in the underlying stock and/or its options, which causes the market to become more efficient and reduce uncertainty.

How Does an IV Crush Affect Stock Trading?

buy or sell buttons on a stock chart

When this happens, investors who are holding positions that depend on high levels of implied volatility may suffer significant losses due to not being able to capitalize on these changes quickly enough.

If implied volatility drops, it can have a major impact on stock trading as it can lead to significant losses for investors who are holding positions that depend on high levels of implied volatility.

When IV Crashes occur, the market becomes more efficient and uncertainty about future price movements is reduced, meaning investors may not be able to capitalize on these changes quickly enough and suffer losses.

Causes of IV Crushes in the Market

visualisation of a stock price decreasing

The stock market is an unpredictable and volatile economic landscape, where the buying and selling of stocks is determined by a variety of factors.

One of these factors is investment crushes, which are defined as periods of rapid and substantial decreases in the price of stocks, often seen as a result of sudden changes in investor sentiment.

There are many potential causes of these crushes, including economic uncertainty or changes in the supply and demand factors.  

Earnings announcement

Company earnings announcements (or a quarterly earnings report) are a major way in which a company communicates to the public about its financial health.

When earnings reports come out, investors take a close look at the figures and use them to determine whether or not they should buy, sell or hold a particular stock.

If the earnings release is lower than expected, or if there is something else in the report that raises concern, the strike price can drop quickly, leading to earnings volatility and potentially a volatility crush.

Economic uncertainty

Economic uncertainty can have a significant impact on global markets, and one of the most common effects of this kind of financial instability is an investor’s sentiment towards risk, causing an IV crush (implied volatility).

This sentiment often manifests as a “risk-off” mentality, where investors opt to put their money into safe-haven investments such as treasury bonds and gold instead of stocks and other risky assets.

Geopolitical tensions

Geopolitical tensions can have a significant and damaging effect on the stock market. These tensions arise from the underlying political, economic, and social forces that drive global markets.

Geopolitical tensions can be caused by anything from regional conflicts to trade wars, and these conflicts can often lead to rapid and substantial decreases in the price of stocks, often leading to an implied volatility crush.

Regulatory Change

Regulatory change is another common cause of investment crushes, as large-scale legislative changes can often have drastic effects on the stock market.

These regulatory changes can range from new taxes and tariffs to sweeping reforms in areas such as banking or energy.

The sudden nature of these changes can lead to increased uncertainty amongst investors, resulting in a rapid decrease in the intrinsic value of stocks.

Strategies to Protect Yourself from an IV Crush

A trader hedging his options positions

Options traders can employ a number of strategies to protect themselves from an IV Crush.

One such strategy involves having a diversified portfolio that contains different types of securities, both in terms of asset classes and expiration dates.

This allows the investor to spread out their risk, as losses from one security can be offset by gains from another.

Additionally, traders can also hedge their positions by buying put options to protect against downturns in the market.

Finally, understanding when an IV Crush is likely to occur and having a plan in place for how to handle it can help to minimize losses from these events.  

With the right strategies and knowledge, investors can still make money even during an implied volatility event.

Short-selling is another strategy that can be employed to protect investors from changes in implied volatility.

Short-selling involves borrowing shares of a stock and then immediately selling them at their current price, hoping that the stock will drop in the future.

If the stock price does indeed fall, the investor can buy back the shares at a lower price and pocket the difference.

However, short selling carries a high degree of risk, so it should only be used by experienced traders.

Tips for Avoiding Losses During a Volatility Crush Situation

a trader making losses

One of the most important tips for avoiding losses during an expected volatility crush situation is to remain proactive.

Investors should pay close attention to market news and trends and be prepared to adjust their positions as necessary.

It is also important to have an established risk management strategy with solid investment advice in place that can be used to mitigate potential losses. This could include using stop-loss  orders or options strategies such as spreads and straddles.

Finally, investors should also consider taking a more long-term approach to their investments, rather than focusing solely on short-term gains.

Although there may be opportunities to make quick profits during an IV Crush situation, the risks of such trades are often greater than the rewards.

For a more secure and successful investing experience, it is important to stay focused on the long-term goals.


stock market on a laptop

Overall, an IV Crush can be a difficult situation for investors but with the right strategies and knowledge, losses from these events can be minimized or avoided altogether.

By understanding what causes IV Crushes and having a plan in place for how  to handle them, investors can still make money even during volatile market conditions.

With the right strategies in place, investors can minimize their risk and maximize their profits.                            

It is important to remember that while the stock market can be unpredictable, this does not mean that all investments are doomed to fail.

By understanding what causes IV Crushes and having a plan for how to handle them, investors can still make money even during volatile market conditions.

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